Vehicle GPS Tracking Units
GPS tracking can be used for vehicle tracking. A vehicle tracking system combines the installation of an electronic device in a vehicle, to enable the owner or a third party to track the vehicle's location and collecting data in the process from the field. Some vehicle tracking systems integrate several security systems, for example by sending an automatic alert to a phone or email if an alarm is triggered or the vehicle is moved without authorization, or when it leaves. Some uses of vehicle tracking are fleet control and stolen vehicle searching.
Fleet control for public transportation is a uses of GPS vehicle tracking. For example, a bus company may put such a tracker in every of its vehicles, thus allowing the officials staff to know the location of all buses and to know if a vehicle is on time or late. Stolen vehicle searching is also a uses of GPS vehicle tracking. Owners of cars can install a tracker, and "activate" it in case of theft. "Activate" means that a command is issued to the owner or police, via SMS or otherwise, allowing the car owner to know where the vehicle is.
POSTED BY juong |
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